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I wrote a small console app to use the ChatGPT API to feed this data to ChatGPT. For this experiment, I used the gpt-3.5-turbo model with a temperature of 0.3. Brilliant gift idea, beautifully and clearly presented and the option of having a signed personal message on the back from Clive is great. A great present, aesthetically pleasing and means a lot to a fan. One of the biggest mistakes we make in pursuit of accuracy is asking a Swede to teach us how to pronounce Swedish names, a native of Portugal how to pronounce Keonhacai names, or – worst of all – a Dutchman how to pronounce Dutch names. Ruud Gullit once implored me to call him ‘Gullet’ rather than ‘Hullet’.
In 1982, he led ITV's World Cup team, covering every England game and the final alongside Ian St. John. The tournament was also memorable on a personal level because he met his future wife while on duty in Spain. Commentary charts are unique to each commentator.

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But there is an argument that radio commentary is more relevant and more needed than ever to connect fans with their clubs and communities. With the cost of living crisis in the UK, and the rising costs of several mainstream broadcasting television companies to watch football in the nation, fans are being priced out of following their clubs on the traditional media forms. From a personal viewpoint, I would much rather listen to a local broadcaster cover my club or their favourite team than listen to Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher give their thoughts on a team they clearly care little about. Some excellent media companies do continue to provide exceptional live radio coverage of some high-profile matches, but there is nowhere near the amount there once was.
Apparently, he has made a personal request for the African rather than the French pronunciation of his name to be adopted. To suddenly start calling him by a totally different surname – rightly or wrongly – would have been the art of confusing not communicating (not that it stopped the commentator in question!). ’ If I had a penny for every time I’ve been asked that question, I wouldn’t be able to get up to the TV gantry for the weight in my pockets. But over the period of a commentator’s career, the public kind of get used to his (or her) little idiosyncrasies, and even begin to forgive most of them as long as they hear honesty and warmth. And that’s why you will have to be ‘interested’ in commentary to survive this section of the site.

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Every commentator has their own style, and we won’t all like the same voices. But I think we can agree that there are a few basics to be adhered to. In 1976, Tyler moved to Yorkshire Television and began to make an impression on ITV Sport bosses, who included him in the team for the 1978 World Cup. Another change of region came in 1981 as Tyler moved to Granada in his native North West.
Other main commentators may, however, only call one sport (Joe Rogan for example announces only one sport which is Mixed Martial Arts, specifically the UFC organization and Peter Drury for the Premier League Football Association). The vast majority of play-by-play announcers are male; female play-by-play announcers had not seen sustained employment until the 21st century. Compound interest is the interest you earn on interest.
I write the charts with standard biros and file them all away for future reference after each match. Where I think this can play a role is providing commentary - at scale - where none currently exists (e.g. where matches have no commentary, or where you want commentary in a different language, etc). It's inspired me to have a go at using, ahem, Bard (I believe other generative AI is available?) for some other entertainment use cases. But I don't think this is about replacing the top commentators, this is about scaling. Admittedly, we are still a long way from having AI generate football audio commentary.
All commentators prepare crib sheets, but none of them are quite the same. We all go about the business of research and preparation in different ways, but the end product is the equivalent of a comfort blanket for adults. My idea of the best TV advert ever written is Ronseal Wood Stain – ‘does what it says on the tin’. Football commentary should strive to do the same – inform, explain and build drama naturally.

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Cowen has been a Match of the Day commentator since 2018, but it was during last year’s women’s Euros that she really came to prominence. Game changers” pronouncement when England won the final instantly entered the annals of sports commentary. In April 2003, in the Premier League 10 Seasons Awards, Tyler was voted as the Premier League Commentator of The Decade by fans and a specially assembled panel of football experts. Names and title information are usually in black, player and match data in blue, goal statistics in red and miscellaneous material in green.
As cool as it is to once again be the voice, he just wants to play the game already. I delivered my first television commentary in 1989. I have hand-written a chart like this for every match. The style, the layout and the colour coding have changed little in that time. Commentators are creatures of habit, and, even though I could display the same information on a computer spreadsheet, the manual copying out remains part of the learning process. Following a five year career as a primary school teacher, Alex packed in the classroom for the press box in 2019, when he began his journey into freelance sports journalism.
This is what the start of one of the rides of your life would have looked like from where I was sitting. These are prints of match notes for some of the most famous games of the modern era. This is an impression of what I look down on at kick off.
To make matters more interesting, the examiners are also mainly mad. Well, not clinically mad… but most viewers of a live match are ‘not all there’. ‘Football Commentary’ is purely for people interested in commentary. There are not many fairytales in the 21st century world of further education, work experience and career opportunities, but the ones that come true are written in a font of diligence, persistence and ambition… and an awful lot of luck. Martin Tyler[1] is one of the English commentators who appeared in FIFA.
I uploaded the video and started the indexing process. After a few minutes, I received all the metadata extracted from the audio and video. Our match charts are already hanging on some famous walls. The legendary names behind the names that Clive has written on his charts are among the proud owners of these stylish souvenirs of their finest hours. Meanwhile, if you have a view on anything I’ve said in the above that you wish to share with me and the world at large, please visit The Forum and have your say there – we would love to hear from you.
I remember it was the Jenas family that made a point of contacting several of us to confirm that (the then) young Jermaine was pronounced ‘Jee-nas’. If I’m honest, I’m not even sure how to pronounce pronunciation properly, but broadcasting is all about communication, and as long as we can communicate who has scored to the viewers, the player concerned may just have to put up with the odd sound problem. And then there is the embarrassment of sitting in your position at half-time and suddenly shouting out ‘Drogba… oh yes’ for no apparent reason within earshot of hundreds of supporters. For some reason, you make less mistakes during live broadcasts. I suddenly found myself mistaking Andrei Arshavin for Jack Wilshire at the start of a recent Arsenal game they both played in. I used to have recurring nightmares about Steve Stone, Alan Wright and Mark Draper when they were in the same Villa team.
After more than 115 hours of voice overs, Chris Fowler and Kirk Herbstreit are thrilled for people to see what they've been working on for the past two years. I chained this prompt with the data and after a couple of iterations, I received a JSON file with the generated commentary. As a result, I had a very long CSV file containing all the information I needed, mapped over a timeline.
This test gives a glimpse of what AI might achieve in the not-so-distant future. It demonstrates the potential for AI like ChatGPT to be utilised in various industries, including sports commentary. As technology advances, we can expect more sophisticated applications of AI that will continue to revolutionise the way we consume and experience sports. With the data in hand, I needed a way to feed it to ChatGPT. I used a couple of tools to convert the JSON files provided by the video indexer into CSV files.
The man that scored all those goals for Newcastle and Manchester United was Andy Cole. If his mum calls him ‘Andrew’, that’s fine, but he will always be Andy Cole to me. At ‘highlights’ matches, we do occasionally get the chance to record a correction to a piece of errant commentary but it never sounds quite right and regular viewers of football will invariably spot it.
He was John Madden’s ‘straight man’ on network American Football coverage in the USA. Summerall did the numbers, Madden did the colour. He used words economically, succinctly, effectively to set the stage for each play. One of the questions I get asked most often is ‘what is the biggest difference between radio and television commentary?

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